We Rember one Who loved Us Well.

We Rember one Who loved Us Well.

Why a blog

Following in the directives of Pope Benedict XVI, I have created this blog to post my weekly bulletin articles. Once this site is up and running, it is my hope that many will find the posts enlightening.

This blog also serves as an on-line archive for bulletin and Faith Enrichment Articles.

Saint John the Baptist Vocations Prayer

in the Year of the Priest

Give thanks to the Lord

Now and forever.

Send your Holy Spirit among us.

Help us to live in the example of Christ.

Bless our homes,

our families and our children.

Bless our Church with faithful leaders –

Priests, religious brothers and sisters, deacons and laity.

Call faithful servants from our community and from our families.

Give us the courage to respond to Your call.

Open my heart to respond to you.

Mary Mother of our Church,

Pray for us.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Bulletin Article for March 14, 2010

This weekend’s Gospel is the familiar story of the Prodigal Son. In this story Jesus reveals to us the all encompassing power of God’s forgiveness to anyone who seeks it with a repentant heart.

The message of God’s forgiveness is a powerful one and in this Gospel story we are reminded to continually seek this powerful grace. But there is more to this story than a simple message of recognizing and individually accepting God’s mercy.
The parable given to us by Christ has three main characters: The Father, the prodigal younger son who seeks forgiveness, and the older son who remains steadfast to the will of the father throughout his life.

Part of our life together as church is to seek God’s forgiveness as the younger son does. But also, our life together in Christ is dependent on our ability to emulate Christ for each other and for others in this world. It is therefore, necessary for us to consider the actions of the older son. It is left to our imagination whether or not this older son is able to find it in himself to accept the invitation of the father to join in the party being thrown for his brother.

The prodigal has returned to full life with the father, but has relationship been restored with the older brother? And if the older brother is unable to extend himself in mercy and in love who is truly harmed?

For us too it is important to recognize that we are constantly challenged to see and receive each person just as God does. It is not enough to recognize a person with whom we disagree as a child of God “this son of yours”. In order to truly participate in God’s love and mercy we must recognize each person as a brother or sister to us.

Faith enrichment this week on Wednesday is a special First Eucharist preparation for Second graders and their parents. There will be no Mass on Wednesday evening. Second graders and their parents are to meet in the church at 6:30 PM.

In addition to the regular 4 PM Saturday schedule, the sacrament of reconciliation will be offered on Wednesday March 24th beginning at 6:30. There will be 6 priests on hand to assist us. Seasonal music will be played in the church to enhance our prayer experience.

On Saturday Morning, March (check date with Margaret) at 10:30 we will have a Mass with celebration of the sacrament of anointing. This sacrament is for all who seek forgiveness and healing from the church.