We Rember one Who loved Us Well.

We Rember one Who loved Us Well.

Why a blog

Following in the directives of Pope Benedict XVI, I have created this blog to post my weekly bulletin articles. Once this site is up and running, it is my hope that many will find the posts enlightening.

This blog also serves as an on-line archive for bulletin and Faith Enrichment Articles.

Saint John the Baptist Vocations Prayer

in the Year of the Priest

Give thanks to the Lord

Now and forever.

Send your Holy Spirit among us.

Help us to live in the example of Christ.

Bless our homes,

our families and our children.

Bless our Church with faithful leaders –

Priests, religious brothers and sisters, deacons and laity.

Call faithful servants from our community and from our families.

Give us the courage to respond to Your call.

Open my heart to respond to you.

Mary Mother of our Church,

Pray for us.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Bulletin Article for Third Sunday in Lent,

The Readings this weekend invite us to reflect on our deeper relationship with God. 
In the Exodus reading God first attracts Moses attention with the burning bush but he also challenges him to reverence and awareness of God’s presence, “Remove your sandals for the ground you stand on is holy.”   Then God instructs Moses about the role he will play in the salvation history of the Chosen People of God.
The experience of Moses in this reading informs us of what it means to be awestruck in the presence of God.  We are not paralyzed with fear.  We are rather challenged to ponder the presence of God and seek out the way God works in our lives and in the lives of those we love.
In the Gospel, the gardener prunes and clips and fertilizes the fig tree so that it might bear fruit.  These actions, if viewed apart from anything else, might look very violent to the casual observer.  But in the loving, careful and respectful hands of the gardener, it becomes clear that the plant is being nurtured and cared for.
Too often, when we encounter a person who either cares for us or is in need of caring, we miss the reality that the encounter transcends ourselves.  God gives us these opportunities to give and receive his loving care – the opportunity stand in his presence.  “Remove your sandals, for the ground you stand on is holy.”
In March we continue to discuss the Sacraments of our Church with large and small group sessions focused on the Eucharist. 
We will celebrate the Sacrament of Reconciliation on Wednesday March 17, beginning at 6:30.  There will be 6 priests on hand to assist with this celebration.    Priests will be available until all are heard.