We Rember one Who loved Us Well.

We Rember one Who loved Us Well.

Why a blog

Following in the directives of Pope Benedict XVI, I have created this blog to post my weekly bulletin articles. Once this site is up and running, it is my hope that many will find the posts enlightening.

This blog also serves as an on-line archive for bulletin and Faith Enrichment Articles.

Saint John the Baptist Vocations Prayer

in the Year of the Priest

Give thanks to the Lord

Now and forever.

Send your Holy Spirit among us.

Help us to live in the example of Christ.

Bless our homes,

our families and our children.

Bless our Church with faithful leaders –

Priests, religious brothers and sisters, deacons and laity.

Call faithful servants from our community and from our families.

Give us the courage to respond to Your call.

Open my heart to respond to you.

Mary Mother of our Church,

Pray for us.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Sacraments of Healing and Reconciliation

While we continue to discuss the Blessed Sacrament of the Eucharist and prepare our second graders to receive the presence of Christ in this way for the first time, the season of lent is a continuing reminder of God’s healing Mercy.

The Sacrament of Reconciliation is our chance to be continually renewed in God’s love and is readily available to all the faithful (at Saint John’s, Saturday afternoons at 4 PM). In this sacrament, we are warmly welcomed home by God the Father, just as the prodigal is in the Gospel.

The season of Lent, the prayers, such as Stations of the Cross and benediction, the Gospel readings, our continued reflection on the passion of Christ, each of these cause us to reflect on our continued need for God’s mercy and God’s healing.
There are two special opportunities for us to experience this outpouring of God’s love in our parish.

We are scheduling a communal penance service for 6:30 PM, Wednesday March 24. This will be an opportunity to individually celebrate the sacrament as the parish gathers for quiet and reflective prayer. Six priests will be on hand to provide the sacrament to all who seek it.

Even if you cannot be here right at 6:30, you can join us at any time. There is no need to stay once you have received the sacrament and spent a sufficient time in prayer. We do ask that people try to arrive no later than 7 PM so that the visiting priests are not waiting around all evening.

This is also an opportunity for those receiving the Sacrament of Reconciliation for the first time to do so. Simply tell the priest that this is your first time receiving the sacrament. He will coach you.

On Saturday March 20 (that’s next Saturday), at 10 AM we will have a “Healing Mass.” At this Mass we will offer the Sacrament of Anointing to any who seek it. We offer the sacrament especially for those who might have difficulty, for physical reasons, receiving the Sacrament of Reconciliation.

Please take advantage of these special opportunities to receive the sacraments of forgiveness and healing as we prepare to celebrate the Paschal mysteries during Holy Week.